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Jul. 31, 2013

31 Juli, 2013 - 18:49 / Allmänt

Tog tag i mitt ömkliga jag idag o släpade med mig hästen in i ridhuset för o rida lite programdelar och kämpa vidare. Red med gramanen för andra gången men behövde inte använda den alls nästan (fick ha den som lite extra broms 2 gånger när Harmoni tyckte att det blev lite tungt och ville dra på i traven). Skritten och galoppen gick riktigt bra, Harmoni var lugn och uppmärksam på mig istället för o leka runt. Då är det så himla lätt att träna tempoväxlingar och allt annat ;)
Var iaf riktigt nöjd med henne idag! Imorgon ska jag rida igenom bägge programmen lite mer seriöst...
På fredag tar vi oss nog ut i skogen en vända o avslutar med o rida programmen. Sen är det Göran på lördag! Sen är det söndag... :o

För övrigt så har Rebeckas katter flyttat hem igen (för ett tag iaf) och numera spenderas sofftiden på detta viset.

Postat av: Rebecka

Duktiga b! Det kommer gå så bra på söndag!

2013-08-01 @ 00:45:00
Postat av: Jefferytrogs

LOFI music happen to be a renowned solution for men and women hoping to unwind and chill out, with a great many affirming that they help them sleep. The careful, replicated rhythms of these kinds of beats could easily create a soothing habitat, furthering a experience of calmness that may have been favorable to sleep. This is because LOFI mp3 commonly features a more sluggish pace and lesser number of verse, encouraging the soul to calm down and wander off with less effort. Additionally, LOFI sound often comprise of noises of wilderness, which includes precipitation or seaside waves, which might further supplement the steadying experience. What's more to their promising sleep inducing properties, LOFI music may possibly extend a vary of other conveniences. Research studies demonstrate that that listening to sound can bring down anxieties and angst, drop blood pressure level, and augment frame of mind. LOFI sound, most notably, has been found of having a favorable impact on moral physical health. Its simpleness and Austerity can certainly to still the thoughts, providing for increased attention and quality. What's more, the timeless, timeless sound of LOFI beats have been observed to stir up a feeling of reassurance and knowledge, and this can be significantly productive for many feeling the depression symptoms or being alone. To sum up, when the power of LOFI sound as a bed time support will vary from one person to another, there are without a doubt benefits to introducing this type of tunes in the day to day routine. No matter if you're seeking to relax following a long day or wanting one way to raise your psychological, LOFI beats make available a trouble-free and usable therapy. So next time you're unable to go to sleep or getting stressed out, check out putting on some LOFI audio as well as find exactly it influences you. If you want to acquire more about this post topic area consult with my own web-site: [url=[color=#000_url]Anxiety help relaxing music [/color][/url]

2023-03-26 @ 23:01:11
Postat av: CliftonSib

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2023-09-08 @ 15:01:58

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